Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Sooo...when you pray that God will wake you up in the morning don't be surprised when it is 5:11am or when you feel guilty for sleeping to 5:27am. Last night I prayed that God would not let me sleep too late. That he would wake me up so that I could get some stuff done this morning... I was completely aware that it would probably be early but I wasn't expecting that early. So, I finally got up, made breakfast for my husband, who was so confused as to why I was awake and that I was cooking! Once he left I had a really good bible study. How appropriate is it that I read Proverbs 20 and in verse 13 "Do not love sleep or you will grow poor;        stay awake and you will have food to spare."Ouch... I do love my sleep! But I know God is working on that.
After some great time with my King, I embroidered a little, then I got on the treadmill. Yes!!! You read that correctly, I finally got back on the treadmill! I even did some incline this morning. I did my little over a mile and then embroidered some more. I have a self imposed deadline to get my niece's blanket done by Saturday. So, I am having to do a lot of sewing between now and then but let me tell you it will be worth it because it will be one of a kind! I love it already!
I also read 1 Samuel 15 where it talks about Abigail who was a wise wife. I am always amazed at how wise my husband is and I thank God for that often. I am blessed to have his wisdom as my guidance. So, I am going to be reading my Proverbs a day and keep reading about wise people in the Bible.
I am also reading "The Eat Clean Diet" by Tosca Reno. I have only read like 15 pages but I know that this is what I need to be doing. Oh and I finished my wreath yesterday! It is hanging on my door and I LOVE IT!!

1 comment:

  1. Ouch. I like my sleep too! I'm seriously impressed that you got up that early! I woke up that early...but went back to sleep. =)I'm proud of you for getting up early and doing all that: especially getting on that treadmill!!!


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