Tuesday, October 12, 2010

After the Whine, Comes the Praise...

Soooo, yesterday I went to babysit. My mom and sister were awesome enough to let me get a little cat nap. I was still afraid to eat much of anything but I managed to get some food down.
I did stop and get some Zantac! Thank God, literally, for Zantac! About two hours before I went to bed, it was time for my next dose. I said a whiny, "God I really need some sleep" prayer, took the medicine and spent a little time watching TV with the hubby. Well, God took care of me, even in my whiny state. He let me only wake up once last night to go to the bathroom (totally normal). I didn't want to get up this morning, but had to anyways... I am just so glad I am not a walking Zombie today. The God I serve loves me and cares for me! Would I think any less of Him if I didn't sleep last nigh? No, but he gets credit for my lovely sleep last night.

On a more humorous side note, my sweet little puppy pulled a good one last night! Since I was gone and the hubby had a meeting, Oli was stuck in the pen last night for a couple hours. He proceeded to tear up his pillow I made him a couple weeks ago. He chewed it up because he was bored and didn't have a toy in there...oops on Mr. M's part. I have done the same thing though so it's ok. When we were getting ready for bed, I decided to see how letting Oli sleep in our room would go. Since the hubby is going to be gone, I felt like I needed another protector close to me...yep my 7 mo old mini schnauzer! Well, we put up the baby gates to our room, gave him a chew toy and his blanket and settled in. Took him all of 10 minutes to smell everything in our room and then jump OVER the baby gate! What he did after that was even more amusing... He doesn't keep sniffing out everything or go to another room...he just gets in "his" rocking chair and acts like he is going to sleep. I love that puppy! But now I have to figure out what to do to allow him to be "out" and not tear up everything....hmmmm. Any ideas??

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the puppy! I have no puppy advice for you...but I think he will keep you busier than the baby. Glad you got some good sleep!


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