I decided it would be fun to reminisce about our transformation of our house. We bought our house in 2006. We had been married for 2 years at the time and were renting until this house came up for sale. I have to give God some serious credit on our house and one acre because the price we paid can only be considered miraculous.
Now when you see our house when we bought it you will think we are crazy. To an extent we are.
However, we have a very handy family. My father-in-law built their home and he is also an engineer that does house plans on the side. As you know if you have been around here long, Mr. Magnificent (Eric) can do anything he sets his mind to. Plus we have a great brother and brother-in-law who are always around to help. Then we have the women for the cleaning, decorating, and of course feeding the hard working men. HaHa.
When we bought the house, there were some things I put my foot down about that had to be done before we moved in. It has been a work in progress ever since. It has been a blast to remodel our house. We have two rooms left but little Jorja has put a halt on our remodeling for a while. Which is fine since we would rather play than deal with sheet rock dust any day!
Are you ready to see some pictures???
The front of the house.
The kitchen- the refrigerator is behind the door on the right.
Standing in the kitchen looking at the pantry and what is now my sewing and laundry room. Yes, those are windows on the interior of my house. I can't wait to show you how I fixed the windows when we remodeled the kitchen!
The living room. Notice the avocado green carpet!! This was the theme color for the house!
What is now Jorja's room.
The bathroom. The tile was PLASTIC!! Even the ceiling was green!!
If you are guessing what had to be done before we moved in.....yes the bathroom was the number 1 priority.
I'll leave you with a sneak peek of Tuesday's post....
Don't forget to come back to see what we did with the bathroom after we gutted it!
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