
Welcome! My name is Melissa. I used to teach middle school math but now I have the best job ever-Mommy!! I have a love for crafty things! These include sewing, baby projects, embroidery, quilting, and general craftiness! I recently opened my own etsy.com store and facebook page to promote my sewing business "Melissa's Custom Sewing." The other part of my blog is about me being a new mom, and where I talk about my general day to day adventures. Usually including my walk with My Savior, my weight-loss journey, and other random posts.  Take a look around. I (heart) comments.

5 Random Facts:
  1. I married my high school sweetheart in 2004!!
  2. I am figuring out that I like foods that I used to hate... ie mayo, pickles, mustard, and while I was pregnant- ketchup. 
  3. I was born in sunny California. But I would never move back. I (heart) Oklahoma!
  4. I have 6 nieces and nephews and finally my own little girl!!
  5. If you need something organized, I'm your girl...but don't look at my house for proof. 

I guess I should explain where the title for my blog comes from...
My Aunt from California took to calling my husband Mr. Magnificent. He is very handy and fixes everything around the house and with our vehicles. He is always doing something your wouldn't think could be done so that is how the name came about. Since we are finally added to our "company" instead of it just being a company of two, I thought the title would work and grow with us as our family continues to grow and change.


    1. Nice to meet you and thanks for hopping over to Suitcases and Sippy Cups. Happy to follow you back. And I married my high school sweetheart too. ;)

    2. The first 'real' book I ever read as a child was called "Mr. Magician & Company" and when I saw the name of your blog, I just had to come over!


    Thank you for your comments, I may not get around to letting you know how much they mean to me but they make my day!