Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Beatrix Potter Nursery Progress

Two summers ago, I fell in love with Beatrix Potter fabric at my local quilt store. I bought the kit to make a quilt. Mr. M and I decided Beatrix Potter/ Peter Rabbit would be great for a nursery because we could reuse the bedding for a boy or girl. I realize this nursery is not entirely Beatrix Potter but it has been customized to our little girl. More of the personal details will come out when the room is completely done.

I was very excited to get a lot done on the nursery last night!! My SIL and hubby worked their tails off for me. I was more of an assistant.
Keep in mind that this is NOT the finished product. We still have a lot of little things to do but I couldn't help but show you how far we have come!!
This is the crib wall with the Beatrix Potter prints. I love how the brown ribbon just makes it richer. It also ties in with my changing table. Both of these boxes will disappear soon!
Here is a closer picture of the prints. Notice the HUGE monkey? I won him this weekend at our local "Gerber Mom to Be Day." I also won a Pack N' Play that was full of Gerber goodies (food, onesies, receiving blanket, sippy cups, binkies, etc). It was all monkey themed!
This is prolly one of my favorite things in the room. My Aunt G gave me one of these dolls every year for my birthday until I moved away and she couldn't find them anymore. I love that they go with the other stuff in the room!
Here is a picture of the book wall and the changing table wall. I can't believe how much I love the book wall. It far exceeds my expectations. Mr. M cut out the wood and put it together, I sanded and painted it. Ok, he helped with painting it too. Gotta love it.
My rocking chair will also sit in this corner so some of the book was will be covered. 
 These books are either mine from my childhood or hand me downs from my SIL. Part of the baby shower is a Book Raffle. Each person has the option of bringing ANY book for me or baby instead of a card. They are then entered into a raffle for a prize for them, not one that they would give back to me, like diapers, but an actual girly prize! Needless to say, I will get some more books but that will be perfect because this momma likes to read and I plan to pass that on to Baby!!
Here is a close up of the decoration above the changing table. I was laughing with Mr. M had to go get longer screws to hang the shelf "because it wasn't falling on his baby." There was some mention of doing lag bolts instead but he came to his senses :) 
Notice the pink Sock Monkey? Mr. M had a sock monkey when he was little and he decided Baby M must have one too! So, after looking all over the internet, I finally found one at Cracker Barrel of all places!
 This is the frame that my SIL painted!! Mr. M liked the sign that said "My prince did come...His name is Daddy" where we registered. But, the colors didn't go and it had glitter on it. I'm not a huge glitter fan. So, We got this picture from for $3 at Hobby Lobby and she worked her magic!
 This wardrobe is very special to me! It was my dad's when he was a baby and then they used it for me. When my dad passed away, this was one thing that made the trek back from California to be mine. I spent A LOT of time stripping it, sanding it, and trying to stain it, but ultimately painted it white. It was the beginning of the white in the nursery.
The basket of loot on the top of the wardrobe was from the Mom to Be day. 
The wall hanging is another masterpiece of my SIL's. She cut out a piece of foam board and matched the scallops on the wardrobe. She painted it and then put my vinyl lettering on it. I got the vinyl on clearance in Michael's for $7 over a year ago. It says "Every good and perfect gift comes from above." I couldn't agree more! 
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Monday, October 25, 2010

Updated To Do List

Since I am down to 80 days until my due date, I thought I would update my "to do list." This is my want and need to get done before Magnificent Baby arrives list! It also makes me feel good to see what I have completed!!

  • Sew pink and denim quilt- Completed 10/17/10
  • Sew crib sheet using this tutorial- Completed 8/10/10
  • Sew crib bumper pad-Still working on this- I have one of the six pieces sewn.
  • Sew crib quilt using my own pattern- Completed 9/5/10
  • Sew crib bed skirt using this tutorial- well, with the help of... Completed 8/11/10
  • Sew changing pad cover using this tutorial-Already received several so not making any
  • Make foam cubes- Not gonna happen! 
  • Register at Babies R Us and Blessed Baby- Completed
  • Clean out nursery closet- Completed 8/7/10
  • Rearrange my room to move treadmill out of nursery - Completed courtesy of my awesome sister. See this post!
  • Get changing table from my sister- Completed
  • Wash extra car seat base- Completed Thanks to Mr. M
  • Figure out how to get odd odor out of the wardrobe- Aired it out, seems to be ok now.
  • Get sister's hand me down clothes once we know gender Completed
  • Make "It's A...." record sheet really liking this idea- Completed 
  • Make room in kitchen for bottles, etc- Completed
  •  Have SIL make "Every good and perfect gift comes from above" vinyl into a wall plaque- Completed 10/24 
  • Have a place for kid books- Bookshelves are made and painted, ready to be hung up. 10/18-24 Hung up 10/25/10. See this post. 
  • Hang shelves, pictures, etc in nursery- Corner shelves hung 10-24. Everything else 10/25/10. See this post.
  • Make thank you cards to match the Peter Rabbit theme- Completed
  •  Decide on what to put in picture frames (family pix, quote, scripture, etc). Made a bow holder and leaving the other for a picture- Completed
  • Rehang painted closet door (a Mr. M project)- Completed
  • Move hubby's clothes to my closet- Completed 11/?/10
  • Organize baby stuff after baby shower (shower Nov. 6)- Completed 11/6-7/10
Still to do: 
  • Finish decorating nursery
  • Make or buy curtain- Thinking this isn't going to be a priority. Did think of doing the pendant banners (you've seen them on a ton of blogs) out of scrap fabric from her bedding/quilt. What do you think??
  • Make some burp rags- Going to make them with Beatrix Potter characters on them (love my embroidery machine)!
  • Move kids books from living room to nursery
  • Make wall flowers from this site- Bought paper, now to cut them out... started cutting, not wanting to finish.
  • Write a bazillion thank you notes   
  • Wash all baby clothes
  • Take breast feeding class
  • Re-read Babywise
  • Read Birthwise
  • Read breast feeding book- Started 10/24
  • Create nursing corner with basket of necessities
  • Pack and repack hospital bag
  • Bake muffins, pancakes, and other frozen goods for baby arrival (thanks Laptop to Lullabies)
  • Buy a rocking chair for nursery
  • Choose pediatrician
  • Fix window in nursery (a Mr. M project)
  • Send Sarah scrapbook stuff (Gender party papers/card, more ultrasound pictures, etc)
  • Take Oli to the groomer close to the due date so he will be handsome when his little sister comes home ;)
    I am sure there are more things I should add. Experienced moms, please add to my list....
    Man, I have a lot to do! It is starting to finally look like a real nursery though! It will be soo worth all the effort!!

    Tuesday, October 12, 2010

    After the Whine, Comes the Praise...

    Soooo, yesterday I went to babysit. My mom and sister were awesome enough to let me get a little cat nap. I was still afraid to eat much of anything but I managed to get some food down.
    I did stop and get some Zantac! Thank God, literally, for Zantac! About two hours before I went to bed, it was time for my next dose. I said a whiny, "God I really need some sleep" prayer, took the medicine and spent a little time watching TV with the hubby. Well, God took care of me, even in my whiny state. He let me only wake up once last night to go to the bathroom (totally normal). I didn't want to get up this morning, but had to anyways... I am just so glad I am not a walking Zombie today. The God I serve loves me and cares for me! Would I think any less of Him if I didn't sleep last nigh? No, but he gets credit for my lovely sleep last night.

    On a more humorous side note, my sweet little puppy pulled a good one last night! Since I was gone and the hubby had a meeting, Oli was stuck in the pen last night for a couple hours. He proceeded to tear up his pillow I made him a couple weeks ago. He chewed it up because he was bored and didn't have a toy in there...oops on Mr. M's part. I have done the same thing though so it's ok. When we were getting ready for bed, I decided to see how letting Oli sleep in our room would go. Since the hubby is going to be gone, I felt like I needed another protector close to me...yep my 7 mo old mini schnauzer! Well, we put up the baby gates to our room, gave him a chew toy and his blanket and settled in. Took him all of 10 minutes to smell everything in our room and then jump OVER the baby gate! What he did after that was even more amusing... He doesn't keep sniffing out everything or go to another room...he just gets in "his" rocking chair and acts like he is going to sleep. I love that puppy! But now I have to figure out what to do to allow him to be "out" and not tear up everything....hmmmm. Any ideas??

    Monday, October 11, 2010

    Whiny Post

    Does anyone else feel guilty for whining? You see, it took my husband and I eight months to conceive this little miracle. It was not by our own doing. God decides when the timing is best and I thank him for that. That is what we prayed for: HIS will and HIS timing. He loves me and knows what is best for me. So, when I have a crappy night/day while I am pregnant, I feel guilty for whining.
    For instance, last night I was in bed by 9:30pm and woke up every 2 hours afterwords because my heartburn was SOO bad. I would go to the bathroom and take some tums. By 4 am, I was worried about the max you could have in a day so I switched to chugging milk. Part of my issue is that my dinner didn't settle real well from the night before either. So, this morning, I am sooo tired, I could fall asleep sitting up. My stomach still hasn't settled itself. I did take my last zantac this morning (didn't think to take it last night). I have been somewhat nauseous :(
    Today, after school I am helping my mom and sister babysit my niece and nephew. I sure hope I feel better by then.
    Here's hoping I don't fall asleep in a class full of kids....

    Thursday, October 7, 2010

    the craft bug has bitten...

    The craft bug has bitten my little sister! She has never been one to "craft." She actually usually makes fun of me for always making stuff. She always buys stuff. Well, she now has a little girl and she can't resist some of cute stuff out there. Especially pillowcase dresses. So, she decided to drag me (kicking and screaming- NOT) to Hobby Lobby. We picked out the fabric, trim, ribbon and even the ready made hair bow. For the grand total of $13! Way cheaper than the boutique prices. We (mostly me) made this precious little dress. (Sorry about the quality, mostly last minute iphone pix at about 11pm.) How adorable!
    My niece is 8 months old, but very petite. She can still fit into some newborn clothes. As you can imagine, there aren't may patterns for this size pillow case dress. We did find a cute dress pattern here but tweaked alot of it.
    So, on Tuesday, my sister calls me as soon as school is out begging to go back and get more fabric. She swears she will help me clean or whatever I was originally going to do, so we go again. We get some adorable fabric and while we were waiting for the fabric to wash/dry, she does the impossible. She does the thing that I have been whining about FOREVER! She moves my nursery around to the way I think I want it for Baby!! She hauls my treadmill into the bedroom with a little help from Mr. M. She moves the remaining truck parts, the crib, changing table, clothes out of the crib, and bunny lamp. I was amazed. Mr. Magnificent was sooo thankful to not 1. have to have done it, 2. not hear me whine anymore. So, I think the night of sewing to 11 was worth it. Here is the nursery so far!!
    This picture quality is seriously bad on this picture, I took it with my crappy phone.

    Once that was done, she drew out the pattern, cut out the fabric and sewed this entire dress! I sewed one of the armholes. I am SOOO proud of her. I would post the picture of her with the dress but she would kill me.

    I love that my sister wants to sew! It gives us even more in common. I love spending time with her and her two adorable babies. The bonus for me is that Baby will get to wear these adorable dresses later.
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    Monday, October 4, 2010

    Monday Randomness

    Well, this post will be completely random but that is ok.

    On the pregnancy side of things, I feel like this:I have also been nesting!! A lot! I have started cleaning/reorganizing cabinets, closets, piles, piles of piles, etc. It feels good to get some stuff done but it is also aggravating that I can't do it all myself.

    This morning Baby Magnificent kicked so hard that she woke me up! It is a comforting feeling though. I enjoy knowing that she is moving. It reminds me how much of a blessing she truly is.

    She is also definitely related to her father's side of the family! I have been craving chocolate. This would make her grandma very proud. She and my sister-in-law are self professed chocolate queens. So at the the moment, I would give anything for some chocolate!!

    I have been working my little tushi off to finish cutting out fabric for Sarah. I only have some batting to cut and then that project is complete.

    I still need to make the bumper pads. Why is this one little project taunting me so? I have no idea why I don't want to just get them done, ok well, maybe I do...
    1. I would have to clean off my heaped over sewing table
    2. I would have to find the paper where we (my mom and I) figured out the dimensions for the bumper pads.
    3. I have to cut big pieces of fabric. When it is big enough to not fit on my 23X23 cutting board...I don't like cutting it.
    4. I would have to clean all the clothes out of the crib to take a picture to show all of you. Because you know, once it is finished I will be showing it off!!
    5. I guess I still don't love the fabric choices 100%. Too bad though because I am not about to buy any more fabric.
    So, I guess I have a couple reasons why I haven't sewn the bumper pads.

    On the nursery side of things, Mr. M has been making some progress on the truck that has removed truck parts from the nursery (YIPPEEE)!! The downside is that even though the parts are leaving, in order to put the furniture in its proper place, we have to rearrange the master bedroom first. We need to move the treadmill in there. So, that is definitely something I can't do... which requires muscles, and working on the truck is a little higher on the priority list.

    If you are lost about why there are truck parts in my nursery, here is the short version of that story. Hubby is restoring our 1950 Chevy Pickup. It is an heirloom from my grandpa. These parts are expensive or delicate and need to be inside so they aren't scratched/damaged. Since the nursery was our spare room for the last 3 years, it wasn't an issue until recently. We did talk about the rooms and truck last night and I have hope that it will all work out. The hubs has told me before that he is thankful I have been patient/understanding about truck parts in the house, that not all women would be that way. Well, I grew up with a dad that was rebuilding a Harlie Davidson in the living room one year. So, I guess I am trained correctly. lol

    What is on your "I need to get done but have 5,982 reasons not to" list? Any tips on motivation or cleaning/nesting while pregnant??

    Enjoy your Monday!!