Monday, October 3, 2011

31 Days to Clean- Having a Martha House the Mary Way

Alright dear readers! I am finally going to start this! I bought this ebook, 31 Days to Clean- Having a Martha House the Mary Way, a few months ago. Right before I went to California actually.


I have wanted to work on it and have read a lot of it but haven't done the actual work involved. So, here I am today telling you that I am going to start today! 

If you want to know more about this, check out the website. It is a great ebook for only $4.99. You can order it through the sidebar right now!!

I know that I have talked with Sarah (my bestie) about doing this challenge together. She is tired from being pregnant and all but getting her house in order would help a lot too! The great part about this is that the Martha challenges or chores don't take long. Once day you clean out your fridge. One day you clean your oven. Plus the Mary challenges help you in a different way.  Anyone can spend 10-15 minutes a day working over your house! 

I know that being a stay-at-home mom has made me realize that I have to set goals each day to be productive. Otherwise I get sucked into the internet and don't accomplish much other than taking care of my child. I much prefer when I cross off most of the things on my list and my hubby comes home to a clean house. I know it improves my mood too because I actually "accomplished" something! 
There are a couple different ways you can approach the 31 days. You can follow their challenges as outlined in the book or you can create your own 31 days of chores. Well, since I am not one who listens very well when told what to do, I will be creating my own list. As I accomplish them, I will mark them off. For the time being I will have a page dedicated to the 31 days and my list of what I accomplish. 

Won't you join me in doing some Fall cleaning?!?!?

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