Thursday, April 29, 2010

The pitter patter of little feet... *UPDATED**

Go Here to
Say Hello to Oliver!
This is how he spent the evening!
I am totally attached already.
I am sad because I have my cake decorating class tonight and I will have to leave him at home :(

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A real pix of the puppy!

He is the calmest puppy I have ever seen! I'm sure that will change quickly though!

The pitter patter of little feet...

That's right..... we are expecting....
Sorry but will all the "We're expecting" posts lately I couldn't resist. 
A miniature Schnauzer! I pick him up tonight!! He is 6 weeks old. I can't wait. 
He looks kinda like this...
Except that he is solid black. We are thinking of these names: Bandit, Buckshot, Cash, Duer, Axel, or Saxson.
I am a little nervous but I have some great advice coming in from some dog owners. I think I will make it.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Friend Making Monday

Well, today brings the second FMM that I think I have actually completed :)

So, here are 5 Things that I Love! -besides the obvious

1. My nephew's laugh
2. New Fabric

3. A room that smells great

4. A good (Karen Kingsbury) book

5. Entering Giveaways with the hope of wining
BWS tips button

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Well, after the hubby had a pretty cruddy day (long story), he begged me to make him some chocolate chip cookies. I didn't want to because I knew I would eat some but I knew he would feel better. So, after a trip to the dollar store for chocolate chips, I whipped up a batch. Now that dough was amazing.... shouldn't have eaten any but it was good. Then I had about 3-4 cookies. (Can't remember exactly.) We watched TV for about 45 minutes then went to bed. I was not feeling real great at this point. Man that sugar hit my body with vengeance. It did the trick because I was like "I will never again eat that many cookies or have that much sugar." Ugh :(
I hate that sugar was that rough on me. But I guess it was a good thing because it was even more confirmation that I don't need to be eating it! So, when the hubby had his cookies and milk for breakfast, I had my Fiber One Shredded Wheat. Oh and I took the leftover cookies to church!! Get them the heck outta here!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Weight Loss Update: Week 1

If you read my post you will know that I have linked up with Fearlessly Infertile and her weight loss efforts. You can see her progress for this week here. As for my progress...well,

Starting Weight: 169.2 (As far as this time, I've lost 9 since January)
Week 1: 169.8
Result: +.6

I guess gaining less than a pound should be motivating but I was disappointed when I got on the scale this morning. But I also failed to exercise at all this week. *sigh* It has been crazy. I think I have only been home one night this week. But I have managed to eat really well during the day. The evenings have been harder since I haven't prepared my own meals. One night I even had to resist the urge to gorge in fried food :( Bleh.

This week will be better though!!
Have a GREAT weekend :)


If you love my cash and coupon this one....
Well, you can go over to Sew It To Me and win one!! And I even customize the tabs...and you can pick the fabric as well. Click here for the link. Entries end Thursday April 29 at 11:59 PST. Winner will be give a week to respond. They will be announced on Saturday May 1.

They have some other cute prizes as well...

Fabric Artwork
Gift Certificate for some of these cuties
So head on over and enter! If you don't win, I can always make you on ;-) Good luck!!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Bags, Magnets, & Presents!

What have I been up to? Well, first of all this week, I made my mom an overnight bag. It is a super cute pattern I have had stashed away for far too long. I did the strap differently than I would do in the future but it is great for my mom how it is now. It has pockets on both sides!

Next, I made a present for a dear friend of mine's daughter. She is having a birthday this weekend and I had this bright idea in my head and finally put it together. The steps? Well, first I painted the edges with bright green paint. Then the hubby (king of spray adhesive) sprayed the letter and placed the paper on it.  Next he cut the letter out with an exacto knife. Repeated for the other side. Then I stapled the ribbon to it and glued the buttons on it. I didn't plan on adding buttons to the other side but the staple went all the way through the letter...oops! Still super cute!
The flower will be hot glued to a command strip hook to be hung in her room or on her door.
Next I made some magnets with leftover scrapbook paper. I sprayed the magnet with spray adhesive and trimmed the paper with an exacto knife. Then hot glued buttons and ribbon. These were ugly free magnets from conferences. Now they are super cute! I may be a little button crazy these days!


If you have read my blog for very long, you would know that I don't post if I haven't been doing very well. Considering I haven't posted since like the end of March... I haven't exercised much in between there. I did however get on the treadmill Wednesday and try to kill myself run! I have never tried to really truly RUN on the treadmill. Let's just say it was very awkward. I did however get that heart a pumpin'! Which is the point right?!
So, the OH WOW part of this post is that when I got on the scale this morning (after having eaten out last night- Logan's Roadhouse= 2 huge yeast rolls w/real butter, steak, salad, and part of a huge brownie)....I was finally out of the 170s! I am at 169.2. I know that for some people posting their actual weight is like "OH NO not me, not ever." And I understand that but there was something so great when I saw those sweet numbers this morning! I had to share and encourage others. I had to be brave. But I will really be happy when about 30 more pounds are gone!
So, since I haven't exercised much, I have been super busy sewing, re-upholstering, and taking care of the house. I have been sticking with a pretty good diet. I try to stay inside 1200 calories but definitely not over 1500. I have had some really good days, and I have had some not so good ones! But that is all a part of it.
I was diagnosed in February with PCOS- Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. It is a hormone issue where my ovaries develop cysts in them. This makes it hard to get pregnant. After doing more research on it, I have come to realize that a big part of it is that the insulin in my body causes part of it. So, my carb/sugar days ended last night. I am really going to try to cut out as much sugar and bad carbs as I can to help my body function properly! I was inspired by Christa over at Fearlessly Infertile.

She is also doing PCOS weightloss battle. So, I am joining up with her weigh in Fridays. It is very nice to have someone who is going through the same things you are. If you don't know very much about PCOS check out some info here. One in 2 women have it without knowing.
The symptoms are the following:
If you have any of them in conjunction with infrequent periods, please, please, please discuss them with your doctor.
-Infrequent menstrual period and/or irregular bleeding
-Increased growth of hair on face/body
-Acne, oily skin, or dandruff
-Pelvic pain
-Weight gain or obesity
-Type 2 diabetes
-High cholesterol
-High blood pressure
-Male-pattern baldness or thinning hair
-Darkened skin on neck, arms, breasts, or thighs
-Skin tags
-Sleep apnea
PCOS can lead to things such as type II diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, stroke and kidney problems, so its really important to get it diagnosed and under control.
There is my plea. I hope you enjoy your Friday! 

Monday, April 12, 2010

What I Can Make...

I may be just a little excited but that should be expected...You see, I got my first "internet" order for a custom diaper bag. I have made several diaper bags before but they were all local so this got me excited! And since I set up PayPal to sell my Cash or Coupon Organizers, I thought I would just let everyone know what I can make. Check back often because I will add items as I add things I can make!

**Cash or Coupon Organizer**
$12 plain
$15 for 1 embroidered initial
$18 for 3 embroidered initials
The difference is that the coupon organizer is a little taller and has the hands free option. It is able to wrap around the shopping cart (handle or seat). While the cash organizer does not wrap around. I do custom dividers on matching cardstock.

***Diaper Bag***
$60 without Vinyl
$75 with Vinyl inside

***Diaper Wipes Case $8***
***Changing Pad $8***
or both for $15

 This has vinyl on the inside. Makes for a nice spill proof interior!

You can pick your own fabrics.

You can choose how many inside and outside pockets you like. You can have them customized! Just comment or email me about them!

**Custom Burp Rags**
  (no pictures yet)
$12 for 2

***Embroidered Bibs***
$8 (includes price of bib) May very depending on chosen embroidery. 

***Bobby Cover $20***

***Laptop Cover***
$15 Fleece or Flannel lining to help prevent scratches.

***Custom Clip Boards $10***
I can add ribbon to the clip too.

Please email me if you are interested in any of the items listed or anything else you have seen me make on my blog! I love making gift items! I also doing embroidery/monogramming so keep that in mind!